In 2005, this lady decided to do something for Cats that would bring about a whole new perspective on how we treat them and other animals. She founded Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. in St. Pauls, NC.
What made her so different was the condition of the Cats, she gave permanent residence to Blind Cats, which in most cases was a death sentence for an animal brought to a shelter in this condition. She also went even further and gave homes to FIV+ and FELV+ Cats. Which was also a confirmation of termination at Shelters and Rescue groups.
This doesn't sound like much to some, but to animal lovers the world over, she has become an Icon and there are authors that have written books and have recognized Blind Cat Rescue for what they do.
What they do is give a Forever Home to these animals that would otherwise be Euthanized.
Alana's effort and dedication have no limits and her commitment and guarantee to these animals is unconditional Love and Care. She started on her own and has built the organization to one of the most respected and well known rescue/sanctuaries the world over.
She opens her operation to the world on a Live feed through Ustream.Com and each and every day you can watch the cats and what goes on in their lives and how well they are taken care of.
She operates from donations and volunteers, she has an evening chat session where the gifts sent in by supporters are opened live with the cats involved and shared with everyone so you can see your contributions first hand.
On her web page http://blindcatrescue.com/index.htm you can read the individual stories of each of the cats and how their lives started and how they are doing today. There is also a memorial section that honors and remembers those that have lost their lives to the deadly diseases or traumas they faced before coming to Blind Cat Rescue. The hardest part of her promise is that she has no idea what their individual lives were truly like before getting to BCR, she makes sure they have the best medical attention available and spares no expense where the lives and care of these cats are concerned.
I know it isn't everyday that some one individual can be honored for their efforts in regards to a Rescue for animals, yes there are thousands of them the world over and amazingly they all know who Alana Miller is and what she stands for and what she single handedly has done. She depends on the kindness and generosity of the supporters and sponsors of the Sanctuary, but it is her tireless efforts and dedication that have made this place what it is today and her foresight is what will make sure the Sanctuary will be able to survive in the future. She says it is her duty to run the organization as a business so that it will take care of itself and the cats, both now and in the future.
I ask that you take the time to visit the web http://blindcatrescue.com/index.htm and review her efforts and her achievements, also enclosed are some pictures of her BCR Recruiter, Snicker, some of her supporters during boxes which is streamed live in the evening, along with a video clip telling about BCR the Forever Home for cats that would have had no chance otherwise.
As we like to say, " Blind Cat Rescue has taught us that these beautiful creatures, See with their Hearts not with their Eyes".
Thank you for this opportunity and please consider, " The Angel with Attitude". The final picture is one of our angel, Alana Miller doing the hardest part of this job, saying goodbye to one of the babies. It is a job that requires more than most are willing to commit and it takes a heart that cares enough to live up to her promise, till it is time to say goodbye.