A true survivor, Ronald "Jake" Clark has not only weathered the greatest risk of laying his life on the line 24/7 his entire adult life while serving in the US Army, the Secret Service, the Los Angeles Police Department, the FBI, and the National Guard, but he has inspired and taught others who have lost all hope that they can survive the trauma of war and life on the streets. Overcoming his own personal history of abuse, abandonment and trauma, has given him an intimate understanding of how to help other Warriors survive the atrocities they have experienced and witnessed.

Ronald "Jake" Clark's personal mission is to empower Warriors to lead meaningful and purposeful lives, give them the tools to survive the stress and trauma they've experienced, and instill the desire in them to become servant leaders.
Since creating Save A Warrior in 2012, Jake Clark has saved the lives of hundreds of Warriors who were suicidal, many with prior attempts. Their profound testimonials, representing Warriors from all branches of service/ agencies and all ages from 23 to 73, recount deep despair, hopelessness, and defeat being transformed into the will to survive and thrive after completing the Save A Warrior experience. His passion to serve others and help his fellow Warriors is unsurpassed. Marriages have been saved, relationships rekindled, amends made, new businesses started, jobs awarded, degrees completed, and thousands of lives touched because of this man, Ronald "Jake" Clark.
Jake Clark is the "evangelist" for preventing the suicides of our Warriors. He is dynamic and passionate about saving lives, while humble and selfless. Even though he has created this life-saving program, Save A Warrior, he seeks no recognition for himself, only for the thousands of Warriors who so desperately need help. He started this organization out of the trunk of his car, with nothing, and has given more than 500 Warriors their lives back. The thing I admire most about him is his ability to motivate and inspire everyone he meets, transforming their lives and those around them.
The epidemic of suicide among our nation’s Warriors is unparalleled. It is estimated that over 80,000 Warriors have taken their own lives over the last decade. Save A Warrior continuously has a waiting list of hundreds of deserving Warriors who are contemplating or have attempted suicide due to the effects of PTS. They can only serve as many Warriors as their resources allow. This donation is crucial to saving lives. The innovative Save A Warrior program – the subject of the CNN documentary film, “The War Comes Home” – is a week-long residential experience conducted in cohorts of 12-15 participants, which consists of resiliency training for countering the devastating effects of post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression. Warriors must apply to attend and once accepted into a cohort, all costs for training, services, materials, meals, lodging, and transportation are covered. Save A Warrior is currently delivering programs in Kentucky and California, where they serve Warriors from around the nation. The long term goal is to acquire a permanent location in order to more efficiently serve a larger number of Warriors in a cost-effective manner with increased capacity, a Warrior Village. This is an opportunity for Save A Warrior to create a facility where thousands of lives could be saved for many years to come. This novel organization saves lives, one Warrior at a time. It is only through your support, that saving more lives is possible – for these deserving Warriors, and their families.
After his military service, while an MBA student at Pepperdine University, Jake Clark interrupted his studies to create Save A Warrior. Jake's novel and disruptive approach in the areas of reintegration and PTS-related suicide prevention have changed the lives of hundreds of Active Duty Military, Veterans and First Responders, their families, and their communities. Jake is a sought-after public speaker on the challenges of Veteran transition and reintegration and on his work with First Responders exposed to workplace trauma. His passion for serving those who serve others is the subject of several documentary films and numerous articles. In 2015, he received national recognition as the recipient of the WebMD Health Hero Award for his work. Ronald "Jake" Clark hails from Lancaster County, PA where his late father, a USMC Veteran, encouraged him to "just save one".